Thursday, December 29, 2005


REFLECTIVE BLOG: EXPERIENCES FOR THOSE IN PRISIONS AND JAILS: Alpha Jail Bible Study – The Power to Transform Lives (written by Rick Carder)

I have been a part of the Alpha Bible Study for nearly three years. I have seen God use Alpha in powerful ways - especially at the Du Page County Jail. This 10-week study brings the reality of Christ LOVE through a series of dialog and thought-provoking questions.

DuPage Jail: The DuPage County Jail is the 2nd largest county jail in Illinois. Over 800 people are held at the Wheaton facility every day – over 14,000 travel its doors every year.

I SERVE: I have had a jail service at DuPage for 6 years now...teaching classes, worship services, computer training, and one-on-one counseling. I currently volunteer as a Chaplain and teach a Thursday Night Alpha Bible Study for men.

FIRST START: When we first started our class - we were not sure of its success. It took us 6 months to be approved to start another program... We were given a NOT-SO-IDEAL time - competing with CSI (one of my favorites). We were given the hottest room in the jail (4 UVW) -- literally, the room temperature is in excess of 80 degrees most weeks.
HOWEVER - God was working...our first class held 2 (who admitted to coming just to get out of their POD.) ...But God had some business to take care of...and eventually the group grew and we had a waiting list!

THE POWER TO TRANSFORM: I believe that Alpha has a special anointing from God - Nicki Gumble's materials are incredible but the power lays in the Word of God...the Word that NEVER returns VOID. I have seen many whose lives have been changed - God has done it through the power of the Word and His Holy Spirit!

STORY ONE: Jay* -- I know Jay's family - his sister lived with our family for about a year. (We are Foster Parents with Probation). Jay is awaiting a decision by the court - HIS LIFE IS ON HOLD! It was just a few months back that I came to know was during the funeral of his brother, age 28 who died; leaving a wife, Chrissy and 18 month old, Cassy. I did the funeral for him.
Jay was devastated! I met with Jay and invited him to attend Alpha. He was bitter about his brother’s death and blamed God. I told him that we can help answer his doubts about God and give him new hope. He reluctantly agreed. (It helped that his sister (our former foster child) and her mother ORDERED HIM TO ATTEND)

THE CHANGE: Jay had only come for a few weeks when he indicated that he prayed to receive Christ...It was a couple of weeks later that Jay drew me this picture (show image).

STORY TWO: Bruce* -- Bruce is a very unique man. He is over 6 feet tall - muscular - African American who grew up in church - but drugs and alcohol have robbed this man of his dignity and faith. (Bruce will tell you that he committed crime because it fed his addictions.) Bruce is now in a rehabilitation program in Elgin.
Bruce is a good example of how a prodigal’s son can come home! Bruce came to Christ through another ministry at the jail but it was Alpha that gave him back his JOYFUL SONG! Bruce now sings for Jesus.

I can't get into all the change he testifies to receiving but I can give you just a taste of the song that Jesus has restored.

Since we have begun our class - now on our third - we have had over 50 attend...there have been over 30 that have prayed to receive Christ in just our first class session. The praise goes to the Lord who is the author and finisher of our faith!

*names changed for privacy
Isaiah 61:1, 3, 7 read - "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captives will be released and prisoners freed...I will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair...Instead of shame and dishonor, you will inherit a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy."

-------I wish I could tell you about Luster, John, Jeremiah, Will, Kennard....
Bruce once wrote us a song - our theme song: "Rejoicing will come; these tests build character, for we have already won. Our Sentence is really light, compared to what we really deserve. Our Sentence was our blessing, to our surprise. What the devil meant for evil, God bestowed to us His grace. His mercies have allowed us to get back into the race...."