Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorials :: Reminders and Honoring Legacy

I am writing this entry on Memorial Day weekend. It is a special time to remember and honor those who sacrificed for freedom. We reflect on the freedoms we have because of the legacy of those who lived before us. 

We set off fireworks as symbols of battles won and lost. Many died and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy. We honor those that served and sacrificed for our freedom. They took responsibility that made better for others. We remember those that gave.

In the Bible, we find that a memorial was established as a reminder of the sacrifice and gift of those who lived prior to our arrival. 

Joshua 4:19-22 :: 
19 The people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they encamped at Gilgal on the east border of Jericho. 20 And those twelve stones, which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal. 21 And he said to the people of Israel, “When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’22 then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over this Jordan on dry ground.’ 

The leader of the people, Joshua made sure to set up a reminder for the people. It was something that they could remember that pointed to the past. They were to remember what God did for them. Interestingly, he made sure to include those that were warriors (read prior verses).

Today, our reminder is to reflect on what God has done in our past. This is an indication of what He will do in the future.

Memorials are important because of what others have done that benefit our lives today. Veterans are support to be honored. They served to protect others. 

Take time to say thank you! Thank you, God! Thank you! Thank a veteran. Freedom isn’t free! 

We need to thank God for His Son, Jesus who sacrificed his life through suffering and death so that we can inherit hope of Salvation and spiritual victories in the battles of life. Take time to thank God for His Word that shows us the way of salvation. We can have a thankful heart that rejoices because of the work of the Holy Spirit that guides and convicts us, keeping us on the right path. 

This Memorial weekend, let us consider what our responsibilities are to leave a legacy for others. We are free to love, serve, and give because someone paid in full the debt we could not pay!