Thursday, August 22, 2024

Why I Watch Political National Conventions.

This is a narrative of my experiences over the years. I am a glutton for punishment. I have been a fierce defender of our Democratic Republic. I do believe in the constitution. I have read many books on the history of this country, which I love and serve.

Some people have strange addictions. Mine is watching political debates. Is it because I like conflict? Not really. I do like debates that produce better outcomes! 

Over the last several years, I make every effort to watch the political campaign and see if I can make sense of the Party positions in order to have an informed decision. I base my understanding on the values that I hold near to me.

A lot of people just like to grab their political signs and flags and a rebellious manner. I would prefer to listen and learn as best I can where people are coming from. I am trying to listen more and speak less. By the way, this is a particularly difficult discipline for me.

This year in particular, I have listened to both the Republican National Convention and the Democrat National Convention. Of course, I have seen lies on both sides. You might call them perspectives, but they are subtle yet can skew from truth in many ways.

My effort today is to tell you why I would be such a glutton for political conversations.

I do not plan to tell you how I will vote in November, but I will give you a couple of bullet points for why I remain curious. I remain a skeptic in the political climate of today. 

I think that we have never been divided in my lifetime than we are at this present moment. It is also clearly obvious that the sharp lines of division have never been more clear than they are right now. It seems as though the parties shout with ever increasing intensity about a position that seems so divided.

Ultimately, I believe in the hope of Jesus Christ. We will never solve our political divide through government, interventions of all types or even programs. Even those with the best intentions will fall short because we all have sinned and have fallen short.

By the way, the fact that I use the word sin in this article means that I may be labeled as radical. I do believe that no one is perfect and no candidate will save us from ourselves.

Why would I do this to myself?

1. I want to be known as someone who has clarity in my decision-making.

I prefer to remain independently objective and base my decisions based on facts, not fiction. I am a dreamer, but also a realist! I have a need to know how the party aligns with my values! 

Making decisions means being informed. Making decisions that better others is why I am listening and reading about policies and positions that are available to inform me. 

2. I want to be somebody who is known for listening more than talking.

Although it takes a bit of discipline for me, I am trying to learn to listen more than speak. It’s hard but necessary. I am learning to ask good questions. 

I don’t like everything about every party, but hopefully I am learning and growing as a human being. Hopefully my beliefs in the Bible and my faith are helping me to become a better leader. I have to discover what aligns with my values and beliefs. 

3. I want to be somebody who is not stubborn but remains open minded.

I do think that I double down on positions that I believe to be at the core of my values. However, I am trying to remain open minded enough to find a common place for me to learn. I know that I could be stubborn, but hopefully I could be someone that is learning at the same time. 

I offer respect to everyone and make every effort to find common ground to have a civil discussion. I believe that we can have a good decision if we support liberty. 

4. I want to be somebody who operates out of principles and a set of values more than simply emotional. 

I do think that people who are different than one another can find common value even if we do not agree. yet, all of us has a desire to resolve conflict when possible. Values that we hold may be what is the key to solving real problems in neighborhoods and communities where we live. 

Local politics are far more fun for me because you get to know the various people that are involved in the decisions that affect you. 

National politics does not do this anymore for any one of us. Somehow, we think that we have elected representatives who speak on our behalf, unfortunately, too often people enter into politics as a career and spend their entire career defending their right to stay on the government payroll. 

I am grateful that we live in a country that has a Constitution that is worth defending. The values it promotes began with God not man! 

I am grateful to live in a country that affords us the opportunity of an opinion in the chance to be a productive citizen. I am thankful that we have rights that are given to us, not by government or political persuasion, but by God! 

We know that if the government can give you something, than they can also take it away! These right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is foundational. 

However, I also believe, this country has a foundation in which every other country in the world remains envious.

No matter our difference, we can have a civil discussion. We can find a better way! We can solve the issues of the day. 

Let’s chat! 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Legacy is…

Today I want to focus on legacy. It is a term that depicts generational impact we can have on others. A parent to a child is one way; through a family legacy. A mentor and mentee; personal interactions and as an apprentice. There are many type of relationships that can influence someone in a positive way. 

I love the saying, “You impress people from a distance but you impact them close.” We are encouraged to make a difference in someone! 

Legacy is important! We all have it! Some good and for others bad. A legacy is what someone gives. It may be generational (as in a blessing or a curse). 

The word legacy depicts a heritage given. We think of it as always good but in actuality it can be negative. 

Today, we need to look at what is positive. A good heritage!  The Bible says that a good name is better than gold. (Proverbs 22:1) With a good heritage we can make a positive impact in the lives of people we may never meet.

By definition, legacy refers to a lasting impact and the way they will be remembered for generations to come

Legacy can be career accomplishments, financial assets, or a loved one's incredible character. 

How you define legacy will determine how you spend your life. When people give of themselves in the lives of others, that is legacy. When we help another we are developing legacy. 

Leave a legacy! Do something that will outlast your lifetime! 

Abraham planted a tamarisk tree. In Genesis 21:33 we read that next to the altar, Abraham planted a tree of which he would never enjoy the shade of. In the dessert he planted a tree that takes 400 years to fully grow and cast a shadow for weary travelers.