Monday, August 19, 2024

Legacy is…

Today I want to focus on legacy. It is a term that depicts generational impact we can have on others. A parent to a child is one way; through a family legacy. A mentor and mentee; personal interactions and as an apprentice. There are many type of relationships that can influence someone in a positive way. 

I love the saying, “You impress people from a distance but you impact them close.” We are encouraged to make a difference in someone! 

Legacy is important! We all have it! Some good and for others bad. A legacy is what someone gives. It may be generational (as in a blessing or a curse). 

The word legacy depicts a heritage given. We think of it as always good but in actuality it can be negative. 

Today, we need to look at what is positive. A good heritage!  The Bible says that a good name is better than gold. (Proverbs 22:1) With a good heritage we can make a positive impact in the lives of people we may never meet.

By definition, legacy refers to a lasting impact and the way they will be remembered for generations to come

Legacy can be career accomplishments, financial assets, or a loved one's incredible character. 

How you define legacy will determine how you spend your life. When people give of themselves in the lives of others, that is legacy. When we help another we are developing legacy. 

Leave a legacy! Do something that will outlast your lifetime! 

Abraham planted a tamarisk tree. In Genesis 21:33 we read that next to the altar, Abraham planted a tree of which he would never enjoy the shade of. In the dessert he planted a tree that takes 400 years to fully grow and cast a shadow for weary travelers.