Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What Is Your TESTimony?

We live in an age of instant feedback. We can make comments about anything online. Look at any social media page of any business and you will see it. Some comments can make or break a business. In fact, comments about the quality of food or service can go viral. Look at how many responded to the negative comments that were leveled against organizations that promoted DEI policies in their advertisement. John Deere and Tractor Supply reversed their Corporation statements when people "spoke up."

The church has similar ramifications. Call it consequential or casual, those that make comments about a particular ministry or church experience can cause significant changes. If someone reports that they had a negative experience or is concerned about the church's teaching can diminish their impact in the community. Also, when Christianity is labeled negatively, the impact, while less subtle, can keep people away from Church attendance. 

We see this in real time. When there is a particular message that deems every church as hateful (toward a certain people group) then the consequences are damaging. Or if a church steps up to help after a significant national crisis or disaster, the church has many fans!

What about your personal witnessing brand?  I call this a brand because your reputation does represent more than just you but also your community, family, neighbors, and even coworkers or school classmates. Your testimony can make a difference. 

Say, for example, you go out to eat (especially on a Sunday) and you show that you are a Christian but you show disrespect for the waitress or complain about your service. You create an impression. Your reputation is not only damaged but also the Church as a whole. Why? Your testimony or "Christian Brand" is impacted too. Or, what if you represent yourself as a Christian on Sunday but on Monday you act like the world?  It damages your ability to speak about Christ. 

A testimony means witness. It is a witness of what God is doing in your life. It needs to be authentic and genuine. It needs to reflect Christ as being filled with honesty and grace. It needs to show what you are promoting by how you act (when no one is watching). 

I am writing this short blog today to also point to other articles and messages I have written on evangelism. Check these articles out. 

I am also wanting to talk about the word that is a part of the word TESTimony. It is the word TEST. 

We all have been through experiences that inform our testimony. Some experiences are mere tests. We are tested as Christians. We all have been through hard times. We all have seen our share of tough things. 

What if your journey was such that you can relate to the journey of others? What if your hardship was such that you can speak into the hardship of others? 

Our struggles mean that we are alive!  Our struggles mean that our journey is not yet complete. 

While we may be Christian yet, our experiences can inform and strengthen our walk with God, in Christ. 

What TEST are you going through right now?  What is your struggle?  What have you found victory in? How can you share your journey of faith?

God may have put that test on you, as a believer so that you can share how God walked with you and strengthen you on the way. 

Join in this discussion by sharing what you have experienced and how God used it for His Glory. Send me your TESTimony to

I am certain that there is someone who is about to give up. I am certain that there is someone wondering if God even cares. I am certain that there is someone who is losing hope. 

It is our opportunity to share our story and help others who are yet to discover the walk with Jesus that you are having.