Thursday, August 08, 2024

Lead From Behind and Other Notions!

Leadership is so important! Like a good parent, lead by developing your team. 

I have heard that we should lead from behind. In fact, there is a book with this title: Leaders Eat Last. Lead with humility is not just an idea. Let me share a few ideas.

Honest humility is a great beginning.

Awesome authenticity is a great way to show up.

Timely arrivals and stand up for your team.

These ideas will shape your potential to lead. Leadership is too often defined as someone who is tallest and best looking. This is a shallow and hollow experience. If you have ever had a terrible boss then you know how not to lead. If you have a better manager than a leader, you know what I mean. If you have ever grown frustrated with your leaders/bosses, you will understand these ideas better than others.

1. Honest humility is not false humility. It is not being shy or meek. It is not our telling others that we are humble. 

It is obvious to people when someone is humble! They don’t brag about it. They don’t show off their goodness.

Leaders who are confident can lead with humility. It is a meekness that is a controlled inner confidence. They know who they are and why they exist! 

Leaders know where they are going but they don’t push others out of the way to get where they are going. Leaders do take others with them. Yet, good leaders lead humbly. They choose humility. If they promote success, they tell what others are doing. 

Honesty is key to their effectiveness. They prepare well. Execute well. Gather what they need. Encourage and empower people. They come to humility naturally. 

Look at 1 & 2 Peter to know more about humility! Peter learned through major changes he experienced in life and through God’s amazing grace he learned humility. 

2. Awesome authenticity is a great way to show up. 

No one likes being in communication with robots. Scripted people are hard to connect with. Everyone resonates with authentic people. They like human conversations! 

When we show up and be ourselves, we gain ground. We grow in relational well-being. 

When people act like human beings, we grow stronger in meaningful relationships. Even more, when leaders share their vulnerabilities we are more likely to follow. Why? We can relate to them. We are human beings. It is not the calendar that leads meaningful relationships. Tasks don’t make us warm and fuzzy. Leaders that demand from us without authenticity will not lead long. 

Take a look at the way Jesus led others. See Matthew 25. Jesus told us to serve people well. 

We can lead from the back of the room when we are authentic. Those upfront are not necessarily leaders. They have titles but they may not connect to the heart of those in the room.

3. Timely arrivals and stand up for your team.

Leaders who use others are not leading. They are thieves. They rob your team of the best ideas and make them their own. 

Leaders show up first! They stand ready to drive the goals. They show their support and do their part. 

Also, leaders stand up for their team. They go to the mat for their team. They own the outcomes and don’t shift blame! Leaders don’t take credit; they choose humility. 

Their success is not for selfish glory. They share the benefits of success. See Philippians 2:5-11.
These three ideas will reshape your humility while leading yourself and others. 

Of the different styles of leadership, a leader who leads from behind is behaving as a servant leader. Servant leaders see to the needs of the team, which helps create the conditions that allows individuals to shine, making the best use of themselves and available resources. - Sophia Johnson.