Saturday, December 05, 2020

Introductions — The Angels Heralded His Birth!

Introductions are very helpful. I’m grateful for the opportunity to make my initial introduction to those who read the weekly column at The Paper of Wabash. Now contributing to the long-standing work, I was asked asked by Rev. Tom Curry to continue writing. 

In the upcoming publication, I began with my introduction. I asked the question, Who am I? 

Well, in truth, that is not that important of a question. Let me explain. 

When Jesus was born in a manger, his introduction was heard by all, announced by a star, and her older by the angels to a group of lowly shepherd. (Luke 2:8-15) His introduction was that of surprise and anticipation! We celebrate this today by what is called the Advent Season. It is an echo of the past, a present reality for the Christian, and an anticipation of future happenings yet to come! His birth was (and is) defined by who He is! Introductions are important. 

Yet, perhaps there is a deeper question we all must ask. The question is, whose am I?

Attempting to discover my own identity is a lifelong pursuit. I have many identities; father, grandparent, husband, pastor… But, whose am I? I am a spiritually adopted child of God. (Read Ephesians 1:5) Since Jesus was born lowly to become the means upon which I am forgiven and transformed, I can find my identity in Him. I am loved through Jesus Christ. 

What words describe you? Are you spiritually connected to God?