Thursday, December 10, 2020

From Fear To Peace

Advent is a time to hope! We find hope wrapped in small packages! While hope begins its work, many also stress over life’s circumstances. For the infant child and the humble manger family, hope is veiled at times and shadowed with fear. 

In later passages we find Jesus, the adult messiah casting out fear, something that even the the young manger family experienced. The link to the manger family and later the adult Jesus was (and is today) acquainted with our grief. The disciples were afraid. How often do we read of those closest to Jesus, His disciples, were afraid? In one incident they were fishing and a mighty storm suddenly came upon them. The wind and the waves were breaking over them. The storm was raging and they feared they world perish. Where was Jesus? He was asleep. (Matthew 8:23-27) 

Just like when He was the infant child lowly, He was resting in a calm assurance that shatters our imagination. The world is in chaos but He slept right through it.. After all, He is the prince of peace! 

Jesus was fast asleep as the disciples feared their death. Awakening Jesus, they saw him calm the wind and waves. Jesus’ contrasted lack of concern was because He could calm any troubled waters. We too can experience His presence that brings a peace in the midst of broken pieces.

What waves are breaking over you today? How can Jesus calm your spirit just now?

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the food we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. - William Shakespeare