Sunday, September 22, 2024

Follow The Plans.

We all know about the plans that are drawn up for everything that we purchase. It could be the plans that tell you how to operate the device or it could be the plans that tell you how to put it together. There are plans for every step along the way.

Recently, I have taken on a few projects working with wood. I don’t think I’m a carpenter, but I have found plans that are easy to follow. Sometimes I make mistakes, but thankfully, I am able to complete the project. I worry when I end up with extra parts at the end of the task. I just hope that they intended to leave me extra screws.

Some of the wood projects that I am doing, I have worked with my grandkids. We built birdhouses and planter boxes. Some of these were drawn up from plants I found on the Internet and thankfully, I am able to follow along on YouTube.

I’m not highly creative, but as long as there are step-by-step instructions, I can usually find success. Plans are simple, but they could also be very complex. Thankfully, I’m not building a cathedral.

The most challenging project is my most recent endeavor. I’m making an effort to build a coffee table using plans that are far more sophisticated than my skill level. I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way. Each mistake is a lesson learned.

I’m at the point where I think it’s beginning to actually look like, what the plans are designed for. The Coffee Table is coming together. 

Recently, I took some other basic plans and created a birdhouse with attached feeder and installed it outside my uncle Eddie‘s retirement community window. Thought I might bring him a bit of encouragement to have a few birds fly into his backyard. He can see it from his bed so he doesn’t have to go outside. (My grandkids helped me build this little birdhouse.)

This reminds me that even the plans God has for us could be encouraging to somebody else. We could be the light that others need if we use what skills we have for others. 

The Bible tells us that God has plans for our lives. He is the designer and creator of my life. He is considered the master carpenter.

As I read through the scriptures and apply Truths in my life, it does provide me a direction and a plan for how to live this life and the next. There are values and principles that can guide me. God does know me best and has a plan for my life. (Jeremiah 29:11) 

God’s plans are for his glory! What I do is to represent Christ and all of my endeavors. Certainly, I didn’t create the wood, but God helped me put it in a project that could be useful. 

Like a set of step-by-step instructions, God‘s plans are established to bring us salvation as well as how to live. They are both righteous and moral for my life if I apply those truths in my life.

Each of our lives have purpose. God knows our future and he knows our challenges. He walks with us each day. Turn to Him for hope. Look to Him for help. Listen to Him for direction. Grow and your understanding of Him.