Tuesday, August 07, 2018

The Vulnerabilities Many Children Face.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that the most vulnerable in our society are  children. Not having the resources to manage for themselves, they are completely dependent upon an advocate and a provider to meet the most basic needs. Parents or grandparents, aunts and uncles are often the first line of defense in the care of these children. When that breaks down then it is left to others who serve in the role as parent/guardian.

Whenever we talk about orphans we often think of the musical, Annie or the famous line, "More, please!" from Oliver Twist. These have demonstrated with great popularity the hardships that or friends feel. Usually there’s a villain attached to the stories to bring to life the difficulties that orphans face.

But today’s orphan may actually be those residing in foster homes and residential care facilities throughout the United States and around the world. There are, of course orphans who are eligible for adoption and waiting for loving homes. In a recent study it identified that there are hundreds of thousands of these children in the United States alone. 

How Many Foster Care Students Are There in the United States? Check out the article for more details: Statistics on foster care and adoption.

Children are not statistics, of course. These are very real needs. If we could look at the faces of these hundreds of thousands of children we would often see the results of abuse in the collect and we would learn of their situation that caused the state and other agencies to step in to provide for their most basic needs. 

The picture above is of my grandkids. I would never hesitate to buy them toys or clothes because I love them. We have established a very strong bond of love and affection. They are very vulnerable Little people because they are often defenseless except for their loving parents and grandparents would do anything to protect them against harm. 

But what about those children who are neglected and abused, who will care for them? We are always grateful when the extended family steps in to provide for the needs of our youngest victims. We also honor the heroic efforts of those that have children in their care through the foster care system and those who also adopt.

The needs are great and often overwhelming. Francis Chan is famous for his support of orphans and I was in foster care. He states "Isn’t it sick there are as many as 1 million churches in the United States and 1/2 million in foster care and adoption."

He paints a terrific vision when he challenges the church that if, "One church out of every other church would care for a child this need could be met." That vision is a challenge of course but are usually met when you think about the mini caring communities we have in our country today. Maybe it’s your local church or small group or Sunday school class that can step up to provide some level of care and even support a foster parent who is on the front lines.

It’s easy to see the tremendous needs of children and youth who are abused and neglected. They are vulnerabilities can be easily met through Caryn communities and families.

It’s easy to see the tremendous needs of children and youth who are abused and neglected. They are vulnerabilities can be easily met through Caryn communities and families.

There are many vulnerabilities that include lack of consistent education, the need for faith and hope, a consistent and caring family, and a love that goes beyond meeting basic needs.

People of all ages, married and single, can address these needs become the care – provider meeting each of these needs for quality services, comfort, and care.

Ask yourself one question; What is one small act of kindness that I can do today that helps the most of honorable of my own community?